В картините си Александър постига взаимопроникване на противоположните начала на „художник-обект“. Присъщата за него творческа свобода и умението му да разкрива вътрешната същност на обекта, оживяват всичко, до което се докосва четката на майстора. Материалът, който използва Александър, се превръща в действащо лице. Маслото в работите му прилича на застиващата лава, под която се усеща Огънят на Сътворението, а акварелите са като самата Вода, в нейното вечно неспокойно, преливащо се състояние.При картината се ражда от особено медитативно състояние едновременно ключът към „вълшебната градина“ и цветето, което отнасяме от нея. – От вестник „L’Elsace“, гр. Сан Луи
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Born on 20th Nov 1959 in Sofia, Bulgaria. In 1984 graduated from the National Art Academy specialized in restoration and conservation of works of art in the class of Prof. L. Prashkov. 1984-1990 works in the sphere of restoration and conservation in the National Institute of Monuments of Culture. Member of the Creative Fund of the Union of Bulgarian Artists. Participated in representative exhibitions of Bulgarian icons in Bulgaria, Switzerland, Finland, Germany. Icons by Anastasiya Chervenakova are owned by officials and private persons, firms, public organizations, churches and private collections in Bulgaria and abroad - Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, South Africa, Australia, USA, Mexico, Japan, etc. All copies are painted by an old Bulgarian icon-painting technique.
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Родена на 21.11.1972 г. в София. Завършила Средно специално художествено училище за сценични кадри, специалност "Художник-изпълнител". Завършила Националната художествена академия, магистър по Консервация и реставрация с научен ръководител проф. Григори Григоров. Работи иконопис, стенопис, консервация и реставрация. Нейни икони са притежание на частни и официални лица от България, Гърция, Испания, Италия, Холандия, Англия, САЩ и др.
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Дианка Тодорова е родена през 1959 година в гр. Горна Оряховица. През 1982 г. завършва ВТУ ”Св.св. Кирил и Методий”. Автор е на 9 самостоятелни изложби в София, Плевен и Стара Загора. Нейни творби има в частни галерии и колекции в Австрия, Белгия, Германия, САЩ, Швейцария. Представените от нея творби в галерия "Ной" са синтез между модерното и реалното.
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Дона Златанова е избрала за свое призвание визуалните изкуства. В галерия "Ной" се представя с живопис върху коприна. "...не просто картини, рисувани върху коприна, а цветовете на един свят, за който Дона издава на желаещите специален пропуск. В него посреща именно лилавия котарак, а поздравява усмихнато дърво..." - сп. "Усури", август 2008 г.
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Born in Sevlievo, grew up in Sofia. Graduated in \"Painting\" from the National Art Academy in 1964 under Prof. Panayot Panayotov. Her aspirations towards still-life and vigorous radiant colors were awaken by Boris Ivanov and she was directed towards portraits by the artist Boyan Petrov. Artworks of hers are owned by numerous galleries in Bulgaria and foreign private collections.
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По пътя на своето творчество Елена Перфанова винаги се стреми да провокира както себе си, така и интереса на зрителя, като му помага смело да надникне отвъд първосигнално възприетия образ и да се вгледа в себе си, като открие своята същност, проектирана върху въображението. Целта е скритото да стане явно, а очевидното да има второстепенно и ненатрапчиво значение. Насоката в произведенията й помага да бъдат разбулени тайни, да бъде променен фокус, да се открие път.
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Born in 1965 in Varna, Bulgaria. In 1991 graduated from the Academy of Arts \"Nikolay Pavlovich\", major \"Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Valuables\". Works in the fields of painting, icon painting and applied arts. In 1996 participated in an exhibition in Switzerland. In 1998 participated in an exhibition-bazaar in Cyprus. In 2002 a film was shot about her - \"The Fairytale Lives Within Us\" by director Elena Dimitrova. Works by Emanuela Bayrakova are owned by collections in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Germany, USA, etc. In Noe Gallery she is presented by her bright paintings which radiate with energy and innocence.
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Галина Левашка е автор, търсещ и налагащ своята творческа индивидуалност, който се забелязва и запомня с характерната си стилистика. Темите в живописните си платна Галина Левашка интерпретира по един приказно-поетичен начин. Формата е декоративно обобщена, а цветът е интензивен и сочен, придаващ своеобразна приказност и чистота на платната й. Нейният стил е експресивен, живописен и многообразен, като магическият реализъм преобладава в съчетание с фолклорни елементи.
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\"Gencho Denchev is a contemporary artist, not so much by the external artistic signs but by substance, by essence, by spirits, by interpreting events, by attitude towards subject... ...His balance is suffered and born artistically and humanly, so that we trust his path of an artist - the one he\'s passed and the one ahead of him.\" - Svetlin Rusev, 13th Jan 1987, Sofia
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Ivan Jakhanagiev was born in Sofia, in Bulgaria, in 1948. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, graduating in 1977. His artistic activity, with over 30 years of experience and over one hundred solo exhibitions in galleries and public venues in all Europe, includes painting, printing, murals and illustration. A pioneer of body art in his country, Ivan Jakhanagiev is considered among the most important contemporary Bulgarian artists. Particularly famous are his cycles
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Kiril Bozhkilov (born 1949 in Sandansky) works in the fields of satirical drawing, caricature and naif painting. His colorful artworks radiate joy which makes the day look happier. He is a regular participant in national and international exhibitions and plein-airs of caricature and painting. His artworks may be found in the collection of the world\'s biggest House of Humor and Satire in Gabrovo and in numerous private galleries in Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, England, France, Germany, USA, Korea. His colorful canvases adorn the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Embassies in Bulgaria, the National Palace of Culture, the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The artist is a regular participant in the exhibition-contest \"Umuri Shimbun\" - Tokio, as well as in plein-airs. Held numerous one-man shows in Bulgaria - in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Blagoevgrad, and one in Poland. Obtained many awards: 1986, Pernik, Second Prize in Caricature; 2000, Sofia, First Prize for Painting and Satire; 2001, Istanbul, Turkey, First Prize; 2003, Strumitsa, Macedonia.
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Born on 15th May 1964. Graduated from the Secondary School of Arts in 1983 and from the National Academy of Arts in 1991. A Professor at the NAA, department of Painting. His pictures belong to the National Art Gallery, Sofia Art Gallery and private collections in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, England, Greece, Germany, Norway, Russia, USA, Slovakia, France, Netherlands, Japan. \"No matter what happens, I\'ll keep on painting!\" - Kiril Bozhkov
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\"The abstract is our hidden desire to discover what we know well in what is unknown to us. That is the truce in an eternal struggle - reality versus illusion. The abstract turns a momentary process in our mind into an emotional experience of pleasure spread through time.\" - Krassimir Chernev
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Born on 18th January 1964 in Sofia. In 1982 graduated from the Technical School of Ceramics and Glass - Sofia, major \"Decoration\". He has worked in the fields of icon painting and fine arts - painting, drawing, aquarelle. In Noe Gallery he is presented by landscapes in oil. His artworks are owned by connoisseurs from Bulgaria, Norway, Great Britain, USA, Japan, Russia.
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Michail Valkanov was born in 1950 in Sofia, where he also got his art education. He has worked as a caricaturist, printmaker, painter and designer for magazines and newspapers. His realistic landscapes touch the most tender aspects of the human soul. His new advances in painting undoubtedly show his mastery over the medium and his readiness to face new challenges.
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Born in 1976 in Varna. Graduated from the High School of Arts "Dimitar Dobrovich" - applied arts, major "Textile" in the class of Danelina Koseva in 1995. Graduated from the National art Academy, major "Metals" in the class of Prof. Bogomil Nikolov in 2001. Created many prize sculptures, participated in exhibitions and contests in Bulgaria and abroad.
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Born in 1963. In 1982 graduated from the Specialized School of Artistic Treatment of Stone - Kunino village, Vratsa district. Worked in the fields of outdoor advertising and interior design. Since 1987 turned to fine arts, and since 1991 he has been working mainly in the sphere of iconography. The icons he's been painting since 2005 are intended mainly for the Monastery complex of Meteora in Greece. Artworks of his are property of private collections in Bulgaria, USA, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, etc.
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Born in 1979 in Veliko Tarnovo. 1998 graduated from Hogh School "V. Grancharov" Gorna Oryahovitsa, class "Fine Arts". 2002 graduated from VTU "St. Kiril and Metodii", department "Fine Arts", major "Painting". Five one-man shows. Participated in general exhibitions and biennials in Bulgaria and Italy.
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Ралица Илиева е родена през 1971 година в град София, България. В 1987 година завършва Националната художествена академия в София, специалност “Консервация и реставрация”. Още като студентка рисува реплики на стари български икони, като се придържа към старата традиционна иконописна технология, с която има възможност да се запознае директно от оригиналите, намиращи се в реставраторските ателиета на академията. След завършването си продължава да рисува икони – реплики на стари ортодоксални образци. В същото време рисува копия на картини на великите западноевропейски майстори Симоне Мартини, Леонардо да Винчи, Рафаел, Ел Греко и др. Тези произведения сега са притежания на частни колекции в страната и чужбина – Германия, Холандия, Италия, Франция, САЩ. Ралица реставрира и множество стари български и руски икони и западноевропейски картини, собственост на частни лица и галерии, голямата част от които в Германия. След 1997 година Ралица Илиева участва в 7 поредни изложби на икони в гр. Хамбург, Германия, където е специално поканена да демонстрира на живо старите български иконописни и реставраторски техники. Изложбата се организира със съдействието на Българо-Германското дружество в гр. Хамбург и с неоценимата помощ на почетния консул на Република България – г-н д-р Имайер и неговото семейство.
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Роден в Белоградчик. Живее и твори в София. Член е на Съюза на Българските художници. Самостоятелни изложби: 1983 - гр.Русе 1990 - Фондация "Св.Св. Кирил и Методи" , гр.София 1991 - галерия "Imago", Heidelberg( Хайделберг) 1992 - "Domenique Lang " Gallery, Doudelange,Luxemburg 1994 - "Alaye" Gallery, Alanya, Turkey 1995 - "Arroid" Gallery , гр. Русе 1996 - "Possenhaus", Luxemburg 1997 - "Possenhaus", Luxemburg 1998 - галерия"Стълбата" , гр. София 2003 - Тheatre des Capucins, Luxemburg - Ville Последната си изложба бе представя през есента на 2021 г. в софийската галерия ЛИК.
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Born in 1961. Graduated from the Private Art School under Maestro Kiril Stanchev in Russe. Specialized in the Lithographic centers in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. His Artworks may be found in Ludwigcollection in Aachen, the Museum of Graphic Art in Giza, collections in Russe, Sofia, London, Cologne, Manchester, Paris, the Hague. Lives and works in Russe. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists.
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Born in Tryavna. Graduated from the National Art Academy in 1978, major "Monumental Ceramics" under Prof. Venko Kolev. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists. Participated in symposiums, biennials and exhibitions of sculpture in Bulgaria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Slovakia, USA, etc. Artworks of hers are owned by the National Art Gallery, Sofia Art Gallery, other Bulgarian galleries and private collections in Bulgaria and abroad.
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Born in 1973 in Ukraine. Graduated from the High School of Arts \"Artistic Processing of Metals\" - fine arts, Russia, 1995. Graduated from the National Art Academy, major \"Metals\" in the class of Prof. Bogomil Nikolov, Sofia, 2001. Participated in exhibitions and contests for sculpture. Made the prize sculptures for the National Marksmanship Federation, 2004.
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